Importance nutris


Our health depends directlydirectly on food and proper digestion.


Nowadays, with the excess of harmful substances used in agriculture or the consumption of antibiotics, the number of cases of food intolerances and digestive disorders has increased.

This is why the role of nutritionists is becoming increasingly important in the therapeutic approach to these pathologies and their follow-up.

To maintain a good balance of the microbiota (a state of eubiosis) it is necessary to have a balanced and varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and with a high intake of water.


It is important to maintain a balanced microbiota as it is responsible for its proper functioning.

It is said that the microbiota is the second human brain since it is directly related through neural connections with our central nervous system, constantly sending and receiving information. That is why, for example, stress can cause us to have poor digestion and shut down our appetite, just as poor digestion can generate a feeling of malaise and sadness.